
   "I write because I do not know what I think until I read what I say."                                                             -Flannery O' Connor



Sunday, November 1, 2015

Always Keep WD-40 Handy || November Diary

I seldom wear rings, scratch that, I never wear rings. I have a tendency to lose things pretty often (you can ask my friends), so a ring would be anywhere else but my finger. A couple of weeks back there was a Vendor Fair at school and I thought I would check it out. There were plenty of shops lying around, clothing, geeky stickers, plushies larger than necessary, books (BOOKS!), and a whole lotta jewelry.

I recalled a friend told me that there were rings on sale for $5.00. That sounded pretty cheap, I guess? I wouldn't really know. Anyway, I decided to go look at the rings, try a few on, and maybe I'd break my no ring wearing rule.

The exact octopus that tried to take my finger off.
There was a super awesome ring that- wait for it... LOOKED LIKE AN OCTOPUS WAS WRAPPED ON YOUR FINGER. If anything was cool in my book it would be sea animals on my hand. I tried on the ring and... stuck, obviously the ring was stuck on my sausage finger. I tried taking it off but that thing wouldn't budge. I stood in the booth for ten minutes trying to twist the blasted thing off my finger. Mind you, it was just the booth owner and myself standing there.

In my panicked mind I thought I would have to buy the ring and it would stay on my finger forever. After several more minutes of struggling, the owner offered some hand sanitizer to help take it off. I wasn't really sure if it would work, but I guess I'd better try. Even with the sanitizer there was still nothing. My index finger was almost purple at this point, NEED BLOOD CIRCULATION NOW.

I thought there would be some lotion in my bag so I gave it a quick check and found something better, I had my WD-40 pen. For those who may not know, WD-40 is basically an oil and water mixture.

I quickly put some of the WD-40 around my finger and the ring slipped off with ease! The booth owner was a bit confused,

"Why... do you carry WD-40 with you?" he asked.

The only answer I could think of,

"I'm an engineer .___." (If this isn't what an engineer would have then I don't know what is)

With that I slowly gave the ring back to him, warned him that he should give it a quick rinse/wash, and profusey apologize for the trouble I had caused.

I think I'll keep away from rings for now.