Wowzers. It feels like ages since my last post. This past week has been extremely taxing on both mind and body (not that I work out or do anything that involves physically moving).
School has just started about a week ago and I can not believe it! I've been roaming the streets of campus wondering where has the time gone? It boggles my mind that I'll be done so soon and head onto being a full-fledged educated adult (someone please help me). Whilst on university exploring mode I was reminded of all the memories I've had these past four years.
I passed by this one area in particular that underwent some extreme construction called Peterson Hill. It looked so very different from how it used to and brought back such a horrid and humiliating story. And so, I felt enlightened to share my past embarrassment with you all. So get ready your sneakers, grab some nature valley bars, and let's take a stroll down memory lane.
Rule number one: Don't forget your backpack.
When I was a 2nd year in college I went back home for the winter holiday and came back to campus via shuttle from the airport.
Once the shuttle arrived at the airport, all the students in waiting were packed in like sardines. Thankfully, I was able to get a seat, and everyone continued to shuffle their way onto the bus (seriously, how is this legal?). Being the INNOVATIVE and CONSIDERATE person I am (kidding), I thought it would be a good idea to place my backpack under my seat to make room for others. I didn't place my backpack on my lap because I was busy trying to grasp hold onto my luggage making sure it didn't attack anyone along the journey to campus.
The shuttle ride is around twenty minutes long and takes you to this area called Peterson Loop which is somewhat centralized on the campus. Adjacent to Peterson Loop there's another area called Peterson Hill, which is a pretty steep hill heading down to our snow-fortress looking library and the rest of campus (note: Now Peterson Hill is more like Peterson stairs).
When we arrived at Peterson Loop all I could think about was getting off the shuttle and dashing straight home.
I jumped off and made my way down Peterson Hill with my unnecessary large luggage in hand, and wearing too many layers for my own good.
As I was waltzing down I had the strangest feeling that something was missing, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
Hmm... did I forget my new pocket calendar? No, that baby was safe in, well, my pocket. How about that blue blouse I bought? Nope, I'm pretty sure I packed that tightly in my suitcase. While in this state of wonder, I began to look around me and noticed what everyone had on their backs that I didn't.
It hit me. My backpack was still under the seat in the shuttle.
My backpack had my laptop, phone, wallet, cash, cards, and everything else of importance. It may as well could of contained liquid gold, the sacred tears of unicorns, and a map to Atlantis in it, because that was exactly how I felt when I came to the realization.
My head swung around and gazed at the top of the hill. The bus had already started to leave the loop onto the road.
I began running up Peterson Hill like a maniac, screaming so loud the whole of San Diego probably heard me. In this frantic panic, I was still holding onto my luggage with my jacket swaying like a hurricane darting towards Peterson Loop.
I wish I could of seen how I looked to others. I remember some blurry faces of people (who also just got off the bus) in a "what is this crazy person doing?" face. However, that's no matter, I was on a mission.
The bus continued to drive away; it first needed to pass around a parking lot before getting onto the main road. Once atop Peterson Hill, I wondered why I was still carrying my luggage (it was weighing me down). At this point, I threw my luggage to the sidewalk like it was nothing and continued to run as fast as I could. I ran so fast, the gingerbread man would be proud of me at this point.
I screamed my way across the parking lot not giving a care if cars were going in or out.
I only had my eyes set on the bus driving way. The shuttle stopped at a stop sign, and then I noticed the bus driver's head turned and noticed me screaming my way over to her.
Finally, I had reached it the checkpoint. The bus driver came out with my black backpack asking if it was mine, and with my exasperated self, I managed to utter a short yes.
I've never ran so quickly in my life. It was like I was aiming for the ribboned end of a marathon. Afterwards, I felt as if my heart would rip out of my chest, and my lungs were set on fire. I'm so thankful that I was able to retrieve my backpack, not get hit by some vehicle in my spree, and that meanwhile no one tried to steal my luggage that was abandoned on the sidewalk.
Just in the future, please don't forget your backpack. Don't pull a Po.
P.S. I also attempted to include a google satellite picture just so you can understand the layout. The area shows an aerial view when the Hill was under construction, not original Peterson Hill. You can also see some photos of the newly renovated area also noted in the satellite view.
1. I promise you it was a lot steeper before they did reconstruction. Scout's honor.
2. Ah, Peterson Loop.
3. Where I threw my luggage.
4. The Corner before the parking lot.