
   "I write because I do not know what I think until I read what I say."                                                             -Flannery O' Connor



Sunday, November 1, 2015

Always Keep WD-40 Handy || November Diary

I seldom wear rings, scratch that, I never wear rings. I have a tendency to lose things pretty often (you can ask my friends), so a ring would be anywhere else but my finger. A couple of weeks back there was a Vendor Fair at school and I thought I would check it out. There were plenty of shops lying around, clothing, geeky stickers, plushies larger than necessary, books (BOOKS!), and a whole lotta jewelry.

I recalled a friend told me that there were rings on sale for $5.00. That sounded pretty cheap, I guess? I wouldn't really know. Anyway, I decided to go look at the rings, try a few on, and maybe I'd break my no ring wearing rule.

The exact octopus that tried to take my finger off.
There was a super awesome ring that- wait for it... LOOKED LIKE AN OCTOPUS WAS WRAPPED ON YOUR FINGER. If anything was cool in my book it would be sea animals on my hand. I tried on the ring and... stuck, obviously the ring was stuck on my sausage finger. I tried taking it off but that thing wouldn't budge. I stood in the booth for ten minutes trying to twist the blasted thing off my finger. Mind you, it was just the booth owner and myself standing there.

In my panicked mind I thought I would have to buy the ring and it would stay on my finger forever. After several more minutes of struggling, the owner offered some hand sanitizer to help take it off. I wasn't really sure if it would work, but I guess I'd better try. Even with the sanitizer there was still nothing. My index finger was almost purple at this point, NEED BLOOD CIRCULATION NOW.

I thought there would be some lotion in my bag so I gave it a quick check and found something better, I had my WD-40 pen. For those who may not know, WD-40 is basically an oil and water mixture.

I quickly put some of the WD-40 around my finger and the ring slipped off with ease! The booth owner was a bit confused,

"Why... do you carry WD-40 with you?" he asked.

The only answer I could think of,

"I'm an engineer .___." (If this isn't what an engineer would have then I don't know what is)

With that I slowly gave the ring back to him, warned him that he should give it a quick rinse/wash, and profusey apologize for the trouble I had caused.

I think I'll keep away from rings for now.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Spaghetti Sauce on My Homework || October Diary

How can that bowl be perfectly broken? 

Mornings are not my thing.

Luckily for me on Tuesdays and Thursdays I get to wake up extra early (cue sarcasm). Sadly, my first class begins at 7:30 am, is that even legal? I feel like I ask that question too often.

On the subject of 'asking questions' I was also wondering if maybe I should vlog these entries, because honestly that is what's happening here (what a horrible segue). You're just missing my intense FLUCTUATIONS. And the uhms and uhhs I say in between. Not that many people actually read this, do you, do they? Maybe I will sometime soon... or if you're actually reading this (thank you, by the way) could you in someway let me know? Through telepathy obviously, just kidding my radar is a bit off. Wait, where was I...

Ah, YES! So back to this morning, it was indeed early. Since I live off campus I need to commute via bus; so I'd have to wake up earlier at 6:30 am. Sometimes I can sneak in a 6:45 am wake up.

Yesterday I had been up all night working on one of my engineering assignments which only took about ten pages and a mountainous pile of eraser shavings to do (maybe a few tears too). My Tuesdays are pretty long, so I also made spaghetti to bring with me. Little did I know that this would be used against me. The homework was due promptly in the beginning of my 7:30 am class.

I was in a bit of a rush this coming morning so I packed my spaghetti in a presumably leak proof container (that I had too much faith in), dropped it in my backpack and dashed off to school. Do you see where I am going with this?

Late to class, great. I shyly walked to the nearest empty seat.

"Now, I just need to get my paper into the homework pile."

As I opened my bag an aroma similar to an Italian restaurant filled the air. Maybe I should use another description, my cooking isn't that great, but you get the point. Oh no... the container failed me. Tomato sauce was all inside my backpack, my notebooks were stained, and there were diced onion pieces floating around. I didn't care too much about that, I was more concerned with the  assignment I had to turn in. It looked like a bloody mess --the homework was 1/4 drenched in sauce.

What other choice did I have other than to turn the assignment in, it was already due! Thankfully, I had at least one napkin in my bag to wipe off the chunky bits from the assignment. So apologies to the Teacher Aid who has to grade my oily, spaghetti stained paper.

Lesson of the day? I suppose it could be 'don't trust your containers.' Well, you can trust yours, but don't trust mine.

On a brighter note at least I turned the assignment in.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

What Not to Do at the DMV || October Diary

Hi-yo Everyone!

So do I keep right, stop, what?

Don't stone me for this but... I can't drive. I don't mean "I'm just a bad driver" (well, that is true), but what I mean is that I don't have my license... yet. I KNOW, I KNOW,  I know what you're all thinking, but Paulina, aren't you already 22? Isn't your insurance going to cost more in the future?? WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING ALL THIS TIME?!?! DON'T YOU WANT FREEDOM???? Believe me I have heard it all; my non-licensed self was a constant topic in every single car ride when I was in Boston. The thing is, I got my permit later in my senior year of high school and never had the time to actually... drive. If I did drive it wasn't that much and I was quite terrified. And so, as I bounced off to college my permit expired and I was in for a long ride of forever being a passenger.

Whilst in college I couldn't really do much, my friends generally drove, and I didn't have any other opportunity to continue learning, so that was basically it.

Since time is passing quickly I decided to take the permit test again so I can finally be on the road to obtain my license (literally).

This past Friday I went to the DMV and of course it was a mistake laden experience. To keep things short here's my list of WHAT NOT TO DO AT THE DMV (that I obviously ended up doing).

I made an appointment before I went to the DMV, but didn't realize that there would be separate lines. So I waited in the horrendously long "non-appointment" line for 15 minutes before realizing there was another line specifically for appointments. I had to awkwardly nudge my way out.

I have an affinity for insanely large purses. I like to bring a lot of material and knick knacks with me (you never know when you'll need a phillips head screwdriver am I right?). However, this one bag I have goes above and beyond large. Since there were so many people waltzing around it was difficult not to have my bag occasionally getting too intimate with others or just knocking them over. Apologies to this one child I accidentally hit in the shoulder!!

You're probably chuckling at this point because everyone and their mother has their permit by now. Or not chuckling, just blowing more air out of your nose than usual. They have the option of taking the test on the computer instead of paper which I opted for. A big mistake on my part. I don't think I read the instructions well, I didn't. I think you could skip questions, but I wasn't sure if that meant skip without answering, or meaning you could go back. Most of the questions had to be answered on the spot (aka how can I double check?). I was looking around so much in a fret I misread many questions, and the guy overlooking everyone had to remind me to stay focused. Which brings me to my next point...

So... because I was unprepared and misread everything left and right, I inevitably ended up failing the test. Sadly, when you fail the online test, the test sort of just ends and I was just standing there wondering what I should do next.

Anyway, I failed the test but thankfully I was able to take the test again right after. When I say right after what I mean is after waiting another forty minutes. The second time I requested to take the paper test so I could actually review my answers instead of being under pressure via computer. AND I FAILED AGAIN, just kidding I passed this time with flying colors (Paulina, it's just a permit test).

These coming weeks I'll be out and about driving on the road, so watch out world! If you're not concerned you should be, because I am.


Saturday, October 10, 2015

8 Short Books You Should Read || October Diary

Hi-yo Everyone!

"Reading is like traveling without having to leave your bed."

I'm an avid book reader. I love classic authors such as Charlotte Bronte, Jane Austen, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Charles Dickens, the list goes on. By the way, if you have suggestions on a book I should read, my arms are wide open.

Sadly, given the fact that I'm a student I don't have as much time as I would like to just throw myself into a new adventure bound by the pages of a hardcover. However, there are some books that I absolutely adore that you could finish fairly quickly. Some are short stories, some provide inspirational quotes and anecdotes that will warm anyone's heart.

So, here are some of my favorites that you can read if you don't have much time.

1. The Little Prince
by: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
This has to be one of my favorite books of all time. It is technically considered a children's book, but believe me it's so thought-provoking for adults as well. If you haven't read this children's classic, please do me a favor, stop reading this post and go buy the book now! This was actually a gift given to me and I loved it.

2. Pausitivity
by: M.H. Clark
A little gem for those times when your life gets so busy and out of whack. Originally, I purchased this book because of the MOST AMAZING pun, but as I read all the inspiration quotes from the book it drew me in to consider taking a pause every now and then.

4. Celebrating You
by: M.H. Clark
Need I say more? M.H. Clark does it again. For myself, I feel like I fill my head with a lot of negativity and tend to put myself down. However, this book reminds me that even the smallest accomplishments should be celebrated. There's nothing wrong with having a little bit of confidence in yourself.

5. What Do You Do With an Idea? 
by: Kobi Yamada
Sometimes we have bonkers ideas and are timid to share our crazy thoughts with others. I found this little treasure to be so rousing in reminding us that everything starts with an idea, no matter how insane it may seem. So if you're curious with the age old question, "what do you do with an idea", seriously check this out.

6. Tuesdays With Morrie
by: Mitch Albom
An absolute favorite (I say that a lot don't I, but it's true). This is a little bit longer than the other ones, but can be definitely read in sections. However, I don't know how you'll put this book down because it's that fantastic. A conversation between mentor and mentee that will sure bring many things into perspective.

7. Be Happy
by: Monica Sheehan
Short and simple. This book provides succinct quotes to help you get through those down moments. If you're feeling blue, this book is for you (that unintentionally rhymed).

8. Oh, The Places You'll Go
by: Dr. Seuss
What a classic. If you haven't read this book yet then I think you need to reevaluate whether or not you've been living under a rock (apologies to starfish). No, but honestly, this book by Dr. Seuss is amazing. Sometimes we may feel like we can't achieve much, but boy o boy does this book remind us otherwise.


Sunday, October 4, 2015

Don't forget Your Backpack || October Diary

Wowzers. It feels like ages since my last post. This past week has been extremely taxing on both mind and body (not that I work out or do anything that involves physically moving). 

School has just started about a week ago and I can not believe it! I've been roaming the streets of campus wondering where has the time gone? It boggles my mind that I'll be done so soon and head onto being a full-fledged educated adult (someone please help me). Whilst on university exploring mode I was reminded of all the memories I've had these past four years.

I passed by this one area in particular that underwent some extreme construction called Peterson Hill. It looked so very different from how it used to and brought back such a horrid and humiliating story. And so, I felt enlightened to share my past embarrassment with you all. So get ready your sneakers, grab some nature valley bars, and let's take a stroll down memory lane.

Rule number one: Don't forget your backpack.

When I was a 2nd year in college I went back home for the winter holiday and came back to campus via shuttle from the airport.

Once the shuttle arrived at the airport, all the students in waiting were packed in like sardines. Thankfully, I was able to get a seat, and everyone continued to shuffle their way onto the bus (seriously, how is this legal?). Being the INNOVATIVE and CONSIDERATE person I am (kidding), I thought it would be a good idea to place my backpack under my seat to make room for others. I didn't place my backpack on my lap because I was busy trying to grasp hold onto my luggage making sure it didn't attack anyone along the journey to campus.

The shuttle ride is around twenty minutes long and takes you to this area called Peterson Loop which is somewhat centralized on the campus. Adjacent to Peterson Loop there's another area called Peterson Hill, which is a pretty steep hill heading down to our snow-fortress looking library and the rest of campus (note: Now Peterson Hill is more like Peterson stairs).

When we arrived at Peterson Loop all I could think about was getting off the shuttle and dashing straight home.

I jumped off and made my way down Peterson Hill with my unnecessary large luggage in hand, and wearing too many layers for my own good.

As I was waltzing down I had the strangest feeling that something was missing, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

Hmm... did I forget my new pocket calendar? No, that baby was safe in, well, my pocket. How about that blue blouse I bought? Nope, I'm pretty sure I packed that tightly in my suitcase. While in this state of wonder, I began to look around me and noticed what everyone had on their backs that I didn't.

It hit me. My backpack was still under the seat in the shuttle.

My backpack had my laptop, phone, wallet, cash, cards, and everything else of importance. It may as well could of contained liquid gold,  the sacred tears of unicorns, and a map to Atlantis in it, because that was exactly how I felt when I came to the realization.

My head swung around and gazed at the top of the hill. The bus had already started to leave the loop onto the road.

I began running up Peterson Hill like a maniac, screaming so loud the whole of San Diego probably heard me. In this frantic panic, I was still holding onto my luggage with my jacket swaying like a hurricane darting towards Peterson Loop.

I wish I could of seen how I looked to others. I remember some blurry faces of people (who also just got off the bus) in a "what is this crazy person doing?" face. However, that's no matter, I was on a mission.

The bus continued to drive away; it first needed to pass around a parking lot before getting onto the main road. Once atop Peterson Hill, I wondered why I was still carrying my luggage (it was weighing me down). At this point, I threw my luggage to the sidewalk like it was nothing and continued to run as fast as I could. I ran so fast, the gingerbread man would be proud of me at this point.

I screamed my way across the parking lot not giving a care if cars were going in or out.


I only had my eyes set on the bus driving way. The shuttle stopped at a stop sign, and then I noticed the bus driver's head turned and noticed me screaming my way over to her.

Finally, I had reached it the checkpoint. The bus driver came out with my black backpack asking if it was mine, and with my exasperated self, I managed to utter a short yes.

I've never ran so quickly in my life. It was like I was aiming for the ribboned end of a marathon. Afterwards, I felt as if my heart would rip out of my chest, and my lungs were set on fire. I'm so thankful that I was able to retrieve my backpack, not get hit by some vehicle in my spree, and that  meanwhile no one tried to steal my luggage that was abandoned on the sidewalk.

Just in the future, please don't forget your backpack. Don't pull a Po.


P.S. I also attempted to include a google satellite picture just so you can understand the layout. The area shows an aerial view when the Hill was under construction, not original Peterson Hill. You can also see some photos of the newly renovated area also noted in the satellite view.

1. I promise you it was a lot steeper before they did reconstruction. Scout's honor.

2. Ah, Peterson Loop.

3. Where I threw my luggage.

4. The Corner before the parking lot.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Tea Time With the Loveliest People || September Diary

Hi-yo Everyone!

You may notice in the following pictures that I received a haircut (finally)! I got one of those lobs. For those of you unfamiliar with cosmetology terminology, a “lob” is a portmanteau of “long bob”. I love it, but the back is a little shorter than I would like. I have a really big problem asking the hair stylist to cut my hair the exact way I want… it’ll do though. Anyway, this post isn’t about my hair but this past Friday!

I’m now back in Sunny California after my long summer vacation.

During my stay in Massachusetts I’ve been to Boston over [insert large number] times doing various activities: from getting lost in the streets, duck tours, and tea parties (not throwing tea in the harbor though).
Since this past Friday was my last day on the East coast, my bestie Linda and I decided to spend the day together. There is a restaurant in the Boston Public Library called The Courtyard. In the afternoon they offer Tea time (High Tea/Afternoon Tea) for an expensive price of $35.00. I was extremely hesitant on going because of the price, but because it was my last day and I’ve always wanted to have Afternoon Tea, “why not??”. On the other hand my wallet was crying the song of tears as we decided to go.

We got there around 2:30 pm and let me tell you this restaurant is so posh and fancy, I felt the need to grow an intense mustache, grab a top hat, put on my best tuxedo, and monocle.

Needless to say, the Courtyard restaurant was indeed next to the inner courtyard; it was so beautiful.

As we came in the waiter sat us down and gave us menus that were, drum roll please…. BOOKS. So of course, because I'm a bibliophile, I took about 45249805942084 pictures of them only to have none of the pictures satisfactory. The menu was already set with fancy culinary terminology that I had to continuously search online. What does “pate a choux” mean or what exactly is "espelette pepper"? I don’t know, but thankfully Google does. 

All we chose was the type of tea we wanted, and of course Earl Grey for me (in honor of Captain Picard).

As Linda and I were eating and chatting along, an older couple was sat next to us. For some reason, we got to the topic of alcohol. I’m not a drinker, never was, I don’t fancy the taste of alcohol, nor do I understand why it’s so ridiculously expensive in the first place. I’d honestly prefer to have a box of chocolate milk.

On the topic of our distaste for alcohol, the couple next to us interjected and just wanted to praise us for choosing not to drink alcohol. From that all four of us began a long lovely chat for about an hour and a half. We all introduced ourselves and we spoke about many topics. We touched upon their professions, how our parents came to the U.S., our interests, etc. In all honestly, they were the loveliest and kindest couple that I had the grace to encounter. Their names were John and Christina and they were visiting from the far away state of Utah. They were so cute it made my heart grow three times larger with happiness and glee. The conversation was filled with plenty of laughs, history, etc. I’m so surprised I even had the ability to speak given my social awkwardness and anxiety.

It was now around 4:20. Once Linda and I were done eating we asked the waiter for our check. As the check came the couple interjected and told the waiter,

“No, no, no, We are going to pay for their meal.”

Linda and I looked at each other in shock and disbelief. We insisted that they shouldn't pay because we had only just met them, and we could pay ourselves. I attempted to stare down the waiter to give us the check, however the John and Christina persuaded the waiter else wise. 

You should have seen our faces, I was in complete shock. Apparently, so was the waiter and every table that surrounded us.

We couldn’t stop thanking them for their tremendous generosity and the lovely conversation we had with them. 

They told us that this was honestly the highlight of their day and they were so happy to pay for our meal. Wow, how amazing is that? Mutually, I would say it was the highlight of both of our days.

The lovely John and Christina. 

After tea at the library, Linda and I went to explore Newbury Street. I have to say, Linda is pretty clumsy (she agrees) and I’m also extremely clumsy and awks. So, the both of us combined walking the streets of Boston you can say would be a complete disaster.

If I could collectively count the times we dropped, tripped, stumbled during the day, that number is [insert another large number here].

I could go on and on about the adventures we had at the shops, rose gelato cones, intense searches for a restaurant that wasn’t filled in China Town,  our ten minute dinner, and all that happened in between, but I’ll spare you your reading eyes (sorry). 

Overall, I’d have to say the day was absolutely wonderful. You can see some photos below! Apologies, I'm really not the best at taking photos...


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Winner?! || September Diary

Greetings to all!

So as you may know, I'm now in Massachusetts! This past Friday was really fantastic, seriously it was. My cousin Molica and my housemate of four years, Christine (who now lives in MA), decided to spend this past Friday together exploring Boston.

It was most definitely awesomazing (don't sue me for using this word... I saw it on a poster at the train station).

Our original plan for the day was to eat lunch around Faneuil Hall and go to the Museum of Science (BECAUSE WHO DOESN'T LOVE SCIENCE?). However, the prices (including the special exhibit) was $29 smackeroos. Too much money for poor college students. As much as I love the wonders of science and learning about the science behind Pixar, I enjoy being somewhat frugal as well. So we decided the Museum of Fine Arts would do. It's still pricey, around $23, but at least it's cheaper than $29. After the Museum of Fine Arts, we'd mosey on down to Newbury street for some good ol' window shopping and then dinner at China Town.

And so our day began.

I took the train, or T as Bostonians would say, to Faneuil Hall Market Place to meet up with the others. I have a love and hate relationship with Faneuil Hall... I love the plethora of food shops in Quincy Market but hate it as well. I hate it because I'm the most indecisive person ever and can never choose what to get (*shrugs*). Another thing I love and hate are the cobble stones. There's so much beauty and history, but clumsiness and cobble stones do not work together sadly...

After we all arrived we perused the available food options; I finally decided to grab a lobster roll and clam chowder.
When we were done eating we walked around the shops. It was then when I received a message via Facebook from the Museum of Science.

FLASHBACK: About a week before this I signed up for a raffle to win 4 free tickets to the Museum of Science. The raffle involved writing a simple comment of your favorite Pixar movie and why. I didn't think too much of this and decided to give it a shot. I actually forgot about the whole contest until I got the message.

The message was notifying me to check my fb inbox. My heart was beating so fast, I let out the loudest shrill you can possibly imagine.

I couldn't contain myself and began to ask all these questions, "DOES THIS MEAN I WON??", "WHY ELSE WOULD THEY TELL ME TO CHECK MY INBOX??", "ARE THEY SURE THEY HAVE THE RIGHT PERSON??"

After a few minutes of shrieking from excitement and frantically searching for the message that confirmed my winning, I found it! Hence, 4 free tickets. ME! I WON!! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT. I NEVER WIN ANYTHING ('tis the truth I tell yah).

They let me pick up the tickets directly.
I was filled with so much excitement I was dancing everywhere as we were walking (on cobblestone too, and I didn't trip). That's two miracles in itself. 

The museum was really fantastic. When I was younger, I'd always go to field trips to this museum, so it brought back so many memories. 

Finally, we ended the day in China Town. We went to this restaurant called Crave which has really amazing chicken wings (although I realize we took pictures of everything except the wings...); I highly recommend.

Even though we didn't go according to our original plan the day was filled with tons of food, a lot of walking, surprises (that will probably never happen again), and the company of some awesomazing people. 

Anyway, I'll let pictures do the rest of the talking for now.

Too many decisions!


Friends&family, or should I say Friend&family...

This is right after I won!


I love free things <3

"Look Mah, Engineering!"

"I'm trapped!"

mmmm, Salmon.

mmm, more salmon.

Did someone say oysters?

Parmesan truffle fries are AMAZING.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Birthday Blunder

Hello Folks! 

This summer has been pretty packed jumping here to there across the states. From California to New Jersey, New Jersey to Texas, Texas to Massachusetts, and finally Massachusetts back to California (although, the latter hasn't happened yet).

Currently, I am in Massachusetts visiting my beloved family and the few friends that I have here. However, most of my family members are working and all my friends have started school already. So... I'm just being a little ol' potato (truth be told... potatoes are probably more active than me).

Yesterday was my eldest brother Kenny's birthday! He turned 28. Wow! Has time flown or what?!

My brother doesn't really care for the whole birthday scene and all the shenanigans that come along with it. He doesn't really like to receive gifts or anything so... I decided to just get him a simple card and write something really nice inside. Plus, his girlfriend, my other brother Keven, and I decided to throw him a little surprise later even if he is not that into it. Moments like these call for Target! Or How I would like to call it, "Tar-zhay".

I quickly paced to the birthday card section of Target and perused through the available options. Sparkly cards with glitter, nope. Cards that sing, no thank you. Cards with extremely long cursive verses that are beyond sentimental, nopety nope. I just needed something simple with a short verse that was mildly funny; I'll leave the sentimental words to myself thank you. 

After a bit of searching in the "BROTHER'S BIRTHDAY" section I spotted a card that looked like it was written on wood. If you know me, I am absolutely obsessed with the way wood and tree bark look (have you seen my log pillow??). So naturally I was drawn to read what it said inside. After I read it I thought it was nice, just what he would like, and purchased it right away.

When I went back to my brother's place to write my heartfelt thoughts about him being my geeky brother I realized that I bought. the. wrong. card.

From context you could probably tell that this card is written and directed towards a BROTHER-IN-LAW (face desk... see the red marks). 

Note: That cursive in the lower right part is what I wrote just before I realized I shouldn't have bought this card...

Anyway, I guess it's the thought that counts?

Monday, August 24, 2015

A Spider's Last Revenge

After publishing my first blog post I've experienced swells of anxiety. The past few days were filled with realizations of misspelled words, nightmares on phrasing, and so on. Deep breaths Paulina, it's going to be okay. For those who know me personally maybe you can sense my anxiety- probably, I don't doubt that. A sudden panic of, "OH NO! I NEED TO WRITE MORE NOW, WHAT DO I WRITE, WHAT DO I WRITE O.O" hit me and left me in a daze. So, if anything please bear with me as I continue with this blargh (yes, I do mean blargh...). 

I thought it would be interesting to write small (and large) amusing occurrences that happen to me on a daily basis as a category in itself. I have to say I find myself in the strangest situations, doing irrational things without realizing it, humiliating things without intention or even just tripping, falling, flailing, you name it. 

Today was no different.

I had the blissful opportunity to have some time to myself, an introvert's dream. I was finally able to start a novel I've been waiting read (Wuthering Heights by the way), reflect on the important questions of life in the shower (what am I eating for lunch?), sing as loud as I was able to without complaint from family around (but... apologies to the neighbors), and play the ukulele (mediocre at best). Along with all these activities I also cleaned up a bit. I was unloading the dishwashing machine that was adjacent to the sink (yes, we actually do use the dishwashing machine for more than storage).

As I was unloading the machine I saw a moderately sized chunky spider just under the counter scurrying around. I gave a loud shriek and remained frozen glaring at the thing. I'm. terrified. of. spiders. However, after a few years of living on my own, I'd manage enough courage to tackle down small/medium spiders (with lots of screaming involved no doubt). So, with a timorous heart, I quickly grabbed a paper towel and steadied my aim at the creature to bring it to smithereens. 

SMUSH! A victorious grin came upon my face. Finally, Paulina the Spider Conqueror succeeded (that'll show him!). HOWEVER, for some reason I didn't think to throw the paper towel with the spider carcass in the trash can right away. Instead, I just left it on the counter near the sink and continued to put the clean dishes in their proper place.

When I was done unloading I went to go wash my hands. After, without any thought I grabbed the nearest paper towel next to me and began to dry my hands.

As I continued drying I slowly came to the realization that I was drying my hands with the very towel I used to kill the spider. I looked down and saw the blood of my enemy besmeared on my palms. I was mortified and shrieked once again (along with that crazy dance you do to get insects off of you). Alas, the spider had the last laugh, and now it's time for me to go bleach my hands. 

Friday, August 21, 2015

You're Holding Yourself Back

Well, here it is my first official blog post (cue confetti canons).

I've read a few things about blogs here and there so... I think I'm ready to begin! Something you won't notice are the 20 minutes it took me to write this third sentence. I'm so fearful. I'm kind of petrified in this worried state about how I'll sound as I type these very words. Will you hear my voice? Will you see all the backspaces and pauses I take between each word? WILL YOU EVEN CONTINUE READING? ​But, I guess I'll never know and hopefully we (or maybe just I) can bear through this exhilarating journey of blogging that I'm about to venture on.

I've realized something earlier today (you can probably guess from the title)- I'm holding myself back. Back from what you may ask? Back from doing what I truly want to do (or just doing things I want to do). 

It's funny, because I always thought I had a firm grip on who I was going to be and what I was going to do, until I noticed It's all been crumbling into a conglomeration of mush. Despite this pile of mush going nowhere, I keep trying to maintain this mushy pile! It's like when you try to build a sand castle without enough water mixed in, that baby is going to come crumbling down at some point.

To put things in a less metaphorical sense what I mean is, I don't know exactly what I want to pursue.  I thought I did, but I'm not so sure, and I think that's okay for now. Sometimes I feel that I don't allow myself to do what I am truly interested in. With this, I felt the insatiable urge to finally do something, no fear anymore! Which is where this blog comes into play.

So for now, I want to write down my adventures here in this blog (tbh, if you consider eating ice cream and watching Netflix at 1 am an adventure then you've come to the right place). I want to share my interests, hobbies, love of fandoms, and crazy night ramblings. Hopefully, you can join me in this journey and share in my interests and ramble with me too. Like everyone else, I'm just your average Joe, wait- Po. Hopefully, I am able to post more on a weekly basis. Now, where was I? Oh, that's right, the beginning of a new adventure.

It's time to (figuratively speaking) pack my bags.